5 curiosities about panties

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In this article 5 curiosities that will leave you amazed and perhaps you didn't know about panties :

1. The first intimate garment was the loincloth and was used by men .

2. There were wool panties to cover oneself from the strong cold of winter.

3. The front bow of the panties is currently decorative, but in ancient times its function was to adjust the body.

4. The "pocket" that exists in the crotch of the panties is called: Gusset or gusset . This is a reinforcement designed to protect the intimate area, keeping it dry and fresh.

5. Women wearing panties used to be mostly for warmth and to avoid infections, but now it is known as a key element in fashion with different styles and designs.

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Tell us: What curiosity do you know or what did you not know?

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